Theatre project
"Camera Oscura" is a theatrical project that breaks down reality into its various manifestations through the use of the camera obscura phenomenon as a dividing apparatus that creates two well-defined stage areas, one hidden, and one in view of the audience. The actors move across these stages, while the apparatus, through the magic of the camera obscura, allows the audience to see projected, in reverse what happens in real-time on the concealed part of the stage.
The performance investigates the themes of absence and incommunicability (never more current than now, considering the last months of pandemic and isolation) using the different projections of the self and the surrounding reality as an imaginative basis for the scenography and direction. The latter, using very precise corporal semantics, aims to create a new language, extra-textual and parallel to the script. In addition, the photographic device allows you to carry out true experimentation with images that accompany the action as it unfolds.
Set design & photography
Gianmaria De Luca
Sabato Angieri
Olivier Lexa
Massimiliano Rametta
Cast Palermo
Federica d'Angelo
Eletta del Castillo
Emanuele del Castillo
Macro Asilo, Roma
Spazio Cre.Zi.Plus, Palermo (in collaboration with the Institut Français, Palermo)
October 2019 (Roma)
July 2020 (Palermo)
Measurements of the theatre space
The theatre space with stage and seating
Back stage where I constructed the camera obscura